Topographic surveys are important surveys for evaluating the physical features of a parcel of land.

They are specialty land assessments done by topographic surveyors to aid in the assessment of the land and its natural as well as man-made components that can affect its use.

A survey by an experienced topographic surveying service is usually the first step a land developer will take before investing in a property so they can understand the land and determine its worth and what it is most suited for.

What Does A Topographic Survey Show?

A well-researched topographic survey is a 3-dimensional map of a parcel of raw land that includes both horizontal and vertical details.

It is a documented description of the land that shows not just the existing boundaries and property lines, but also land elevations and grades, physical property features, and man-made elements on the property.

These assessments made by experienced surveyors are essential accounts that facilitate project planning and provide landowners with a full understanding of what a parcel can be used for, what modifications can or should be made, and what will be involved in developing that land for a particular purpose.

What Types of Topographic Surveys Are Used?

Topographic surveying services offer a variety of surveys to suit different needs based on the desired outcome for using the land.

In addition to general topographic surveys that measure and document land shapes and features, three other types might be requested by a landowner or developer interested in purchasing the land.

These include:

  • Basic mortgage surveys to confirm the presence, or lack thereof, of any structures on a parcel of land.
  • As-Built surveys that confirm that construction projects are progressing according to the original project and site plan.
  • Hydrographic surveys that assess bodies of water on a parcel of land.

What Purpose Do Topographic Surveyors Serve?

Overall, although there are a few different assessments that topographic surveyors can do to gather details about a property, they all cater to the same two-fold purpose.

Primarily, these surveys:

  • Provide property owners or investors a way to assign a value to a property in alignment with a certain use.
  • Allow for the assessment of the land based on what must be done to it to make it usable.

Collectively, the data recorded by topographic surveying services allows property owners to determine what use the land is most suited for, how to best improve it for that purpose, and how to fairly price the parcel when offering it for sale.

These details can apply to everything from a small residential building lot to a huge, many-acre development property for a housing subdivision, a retail shopping center, or a commercial campus of some type.

Typographic Surveys – A Detailed Land Assessment

Topographic surveying services play an invaluable role in real estate sales and development.

Whether purchasing a lot to build a single house on or looking to sell a large property for a specific use, a topographic survey is the place to start to accurately understand the land’s features and what will be required to develop it.

An experienced topographic surveyor is required to perform these specialized types of land surveys with accuracy, to achieve the best results!

Need A Topographic Survey in Lexington Texas?

Payne Industries Provides Expert Topographic Surveying Results!

Call 979-316-7333 To Learn More!