Land surveying services are utilized by everyone from residential homeowners seeking to confirm their property lines to land development companies building massive commercial centers.

As different as these projects may be, the one question that land surveyors get from every client is: “How long will it take?”

Since every land survey and every surveying situation is different, that answer can be a bit complicated.

What Kinds of Surveys Do Land Surveying Services Perform?

Licensed land surveyors perform many types of surveys for their different customers, from big land developers to local homeowners.

Boundary and title surveys are two of the simplest and most commonly requested land surveys, as they are required by all types of property owners to define property lines and confirm the basic documentation history of the property.

Beyond those, land surveying services also perform other more in-depth assessments for various purposes including topographical and route surveys, site planning and subdivision surveys, construction surveys, and more.

What Is Involved In Performing A Land Survey?

As simple as land surveying may seem, it is a very detailed process that requires quite a bit of research and fieldwork.

Deed Research

The first step in any land survey is researching the land deeds and plats to track the documented history of the property and its boundaries, markers, and other features.

This can be a time-consuming process, as surveyors may need to search beyond online records databases and retrieve actual physical deed copies from local courthouses.

Then all of the information contained in the deed must be confirmed and any discrepancies resolved through additional research before the physical survey can begin.

Field Work

After all documentation has been researched and deed information accessed, land surveyors can then go to the property and begin their fieldwork.

They first will locate all present markers as well as boundaries and compare them to those described in the deeds and records to confirm their positions.

Then and only after corners, perimeters, and boundaries are identified, surveying services can perform additional location tasks like detecting elevations, easements, rights of ways, and whatever other details are included in the specific survey.

Based on These Factors – How Long Do Land Surveys Take?

In best-case scenarios, land surveys can take anywhere from a day or two to a few weeks or even months depending on the type of survey being performed, the size of the property being evaluated, and the accuracy of the deeds and records available.

Unfortunately, with so many variables involved including issues of missing or inaccurate records that require resolution as well as bad weather conditions, many can take considerably longer.

Being aware of this, property owners requiring any type of survey should plan to have theirs started well in advance of any specific deadline in case there are completion delays.

Trust A Skilled Land Surveyor For The Fastest Survey Possible

The actual timeframe to complete land surveys is dependent on many factors.

Although land surveyors can only provide time estimates for this reason, an experienced surveyor will have the knowledge and practice to effectively resolve records and field issues to return survey reports as quickly as possible.

When in need of a prompt survey, an experienced land surveying service familiar with the local area can be relied upon to get the job done quickly and accurately!

Need Land Surveyors in Giddings Texas?

Contact Payne Industries for Land Surveying Services!

Call 979-316-7333 To Arrange Your Survey Today!